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What is the default delimiter used by the Dojo List Text Box control to display multiple values?
A. Space
B. Comma
C. Semi Colon
D. None, multiple values are always displayed on the same line or wrapped if space is not available.
Answer: D
Some additional server-side JavaScript @Functions have been provided via the Extension Library for presenting messages to users. Which three @Formulas can be used? (Choose three.)
A. @IsError
B. @Prompt
C. @InfoMessage
D. @ErrorMessage
E. @FailureMessage
F. @WarningMessage
Answer: CDF
Samantha would like to use the Search functionality provided in the Application Layout control. What does she need to do to configure search on the Application Layout control in the Properties view?
A. Samantha needs to click on the Place Bar tab, enter “true” for the showSearch property, and select the Page Name for displaying results.
B. Samantha needs to click on the All Properties tab, enter “true” for the showSearch property, and select the Page Name for displaying results.
C. Samantha needs to select the Title Bar tab, select “Show search controls (options dropdown, edit box, and search icon)”, and select the PageName for displaying results.
D. Samantha needs to click on the Search tab, select “Show search controls (options dropdown, edit box, and search icon)”, and select the PageName for displaying results.
Answer: D
Which property should Anne use to allow her users to launch the Name Picker via a link with the label “Select”?
A. Anne should set the value property to “Select”.
B. Anne should set the pickerText property to “Select”.
C. Anne should set the dialogTitle property to “Select”.
D. Anne should set the labelIcon property to “false”. “Select” is the default text that appears if no label icon is used.
Answer: B
Alice is using the Application Layout control in a custom control. She wants to enable drop targets in the left column and middle column only. How would she accomplish this?
A. Alice doesn’t have to do anything. By default all columns are selected and leaving them blank will disable them.
B. Alice should click on the Drop Target tab in the Application Layout control and select the left and middle columns to enable them.
C. Alice should click on the Application Layout All Properties tab and set the left Column and middle Column properties to “true”.
D. Alice should click on the Application Layout tab in the Properties view and select the left column and middle column under “Content area”.
Answer: D
How would the Name Picker control know that the Dojo Name Text Box control allows multiple values?
A. The multiple Separator property is set.
B. The max Values property is set to more than 1.
C. The multiple Separator property is set to “true”.
D. The multiple Values property is set to “true”.
Answer: A
Carl would like to add two action buttons to the bottom of the Form Table control from the Extension Library. How can he accomplish that?
A. Carl should add two button controls to the footer facet inside the Form Table control.
B. Carl should add two action buttons below the final row but inside the Form Table control.
C. Carl should add a Panel control below the Form Table control. Carl can then add two button controls inside the Panel.
D. Carl should add a Panel control to the footer facet of the Form Table control. Carl can then add two button controls inside the Panel.
Answer: D
Which property on the pager Add Rows control defines the number of rows to add to the data View?
A. size
B. numRows
C. addCount
D. rowCount
Answer: D
What does the Navigator control property expandable=”true” do?
A. automatically expands all entries within the Tree Node
B. makes the Navigator control show only the parent levels
C. shows the Navigator parent levels and expands them out one level
D. renders a twisty arrow on all the basic Container Node entries within the Tree Node
Answer: D
Which is true about enabling “Set Partial Execution Mode” and then clicking on the “Select Element” button to specify an id?
A. It allows a developer to execute code only for the specified id and it’s children.
B. It allows a developer to refresh only a portion of the XPage specified by the id.
C. It allows a developer to execute code only for the specified id and it’s children. “Partial Update” cannot be enabled for this to work.
D. It allows a developer to execute code only for the specified id and it’s children. “Partial Update” must also be enabled for this to work.
Answer: A
What is the purpose of Palette Profiles?
A. allows a developer to save colors in a Profile document
B. allows a developer to select colors for the Controls view
C. allows a developer to select which controls appear in the Controls view
D. allows a developer to save settings for the Controls view in a Profile document
Answer: C
How does the option “Run server-based XPages apps directly on server” improve performance?
A. using faster disk drives
B. reducing network traffic
C. using the faster server CPUs
D. having access to large amounts of memory
Answer: B